

Born in Morton, Illinois on August 5, 1998, I came from a family with a mixed background when it came to chosen majors in college. My mom majored in nursing, my dad majored in accounting, my oldest sister majored in the technological aspect of graphic design, and my second oldest sister majored in communication. When it came to choosing my major in graphic design, I was influenced by comic book artists, graphic designers, and artists from the past. Each and every one used colors in unique ways that got my attention and made me realize how amazing and difficult graphic design and art can be. My biggest hope is that one day, my work will be remembered and I will be able to join the ranks of influential graphic designers.

Artist Statement

As an aspiring graphic designer, I have high hopes that one day I’ll be able to make it big like everyone else wants to in their life but of course, this requires hard work and a pencil. When I start a sketch, it’s the building blocks of something that will elicit an array of emotions from people and influence a decision now and into the future.

When considering how my designs will look, I spend time looking at comic book art, fan art, and designs done by fellow graphic designers online for inspiration as they have used colors in unique ways or did things on the same adobe programs I use such as Adobe Illustrator that I never knew about or didn’t think to use on older designs. Through these sources of inspiration, I look into the various tools that each Adobe program has, and I research how I can use them to make a design that will be effective in either providing information or getting the attention of consumers and motivate them to buy products from a company. With every design I make, I know that there will be an adjustment that can improve it, and with every kind of critique I’m given I know it’s one step closer to the design I had envisioned and will meet my goals. The critiques and using the internet for inspiration has made me appreciate how connected the graphic design industry is as it’s helped me realize my growing potential and that I am one step closer to realizing my place in the world of graphic design.